Does the ET Atari 2600 Dig Really Matter?


PSLS Level: Kraken
PSLS Ambassador
For the last several days, the aggregate news app on my phone has had at least one story at some point during the day (either listed in the technology, entertainment, or Xbox tab) regarding the "legendary dig" where a bunch of ET games for the Atari 2600 were pulled up. My question for someone who has some say in PSLS features, @Dan Oravasaari, @Chandler Wood, @D'yani, @Lifewish, @JasonDunning, @Heath, or perhaps @Anthony Severino is this, "Does this really matter?"

I would be really curious to see someone's opinions on this.

P.S.: Apologies to any staff members that I didn't mention. These are the people who I've seen write the most features. <3
For the last several days, the aggregate news app on my phone has had at least one story at some point during the day (either listed in the technology, entertainment, or Xbox tab) regarding the "legendary dig" where a bunch of ET games for the Atari 2600 were pulled up. My question for someone who has some say in PSLS features, @Dan Oravasaari, @Chandler Wood, @D'yani, @Lifewish, @JasonDunning, @Heath, or perhaps @Anthony Severino is this, "Does this really matter?"

I would be really curious to see someone's opinions on this.

P.S.: Apologies to any staff members that I didn't mention. These are the people who I've seen write the most features. <3
I'd enjoy writing something up on this, perhaps. It's an interesting thing to have happen, but depends on what you qualify as "mattering" about the whole thing.

Welcome to the internet age where things are only all the rage for a few days or so, then everyone moves on to the next viral thing that happened around the world. It can kinda suck to keep up on.
I'm still not quite sure what to even make of this. I don't know how big of an 'urban legend' the E.T. burial was to warrant there needing to be an excavation of the site to find and prove they were disposed of. Were they buried? Yup. Does this change anything? Nope. I'm pretty sure many companies have thrown away or dumped products that have failed, which makes me feel like I am missing something here.

The real conversation as far as I can tell, is more about the need to push digital content, so that don't need to do things like this ever again.
I'm still not quite sure what to even make of this. I don't know how big of an 'urban legend' the E.T. burial was to warrant there needing to be an excavation of the site to find and prove they were disposed of. Were they buried? Yup. Does this change anything? Nope. I'm pretty sure many companies have thrown away or dumped products that have failed, which makes me feel like I am missing something here.

The real conversation as far as I can tell, is more about the need to push digital content, so that don't need to do things like this ever again.
Speaking of historical issues like this... What ever happened to that mass of Udraw Tablets that THQ had when they went under? Perhaps they should throw those in the hole that they pulled ET out of.
It's Scooby Doo time!

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