Bad Gamers Ep. 78 - The Wolf Among Us Spoilercast and Destiny Beta Code Contest


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On this week's episode of Bad Gamers, @Dan Oravasaari and @Chandler Wood talk about not starving, a couple of upcoming fighting games, betas and early access, and much more! Tune in so you can hear their predictions about the next Assassin's Creed game on last-gen consoles, and be sure to listen to them spoil The Wolf Among Us!

Dan is going to San Diego Comic Con. This is not his head​

Don't Starve DLC
Don't Starve DLC is coming out next week for $5, and I can't be bothered to care. I'm sure it's a fun game and all that, but the developer really makes me upset. Since their whole thing about poking fun at trophy hunters, I've been a little bit butthurt. Maybe they won't screw trophy hunters again, but ... jk, they will.

Mortal Kombat X
Mortal Kombat devs are open to having guest experiences on Mortal Kombat X, but they could be pretty much anyone. I mean - how many properties do Warner Brothers own? As much as I would love to see Donkey Kong ripped in half, I don't see them trying to license other properties again.


The Witcher Recap
The guys from CD Projekt Red said that they were going to have some sort of recap for the previous Witcher titles since The Witcher 3 is going to be the first game in the series to be on PlayStation consoles, but they're not releasing any of the old games onto the PlayStation ecosystem. I hope they do something like what Kojima did in MGSV: Ground Zeroes, where the information about MGS: Peace Walker is included throughout the game, and you can read about it and its connection if you choose to do so. That was bloody brilliant!


Destiny Beta Maybe or Maybe Not Carrying Over to Full Game?
Should Bungie allow progress from the beta to enter the full game when it launches? Fuck that. I know that lots of people are going to be pouring lots of time into the Destiny beta, but I don't really think it's cool for Bungie to allow any disadvantages for people who play the game for the first time on its launch date. Recognition is the way to go for this one - let us have a special in-game avatar, weapon, costume, etc., but don't give us any actual advantage.

Tekken 7
The Tekken 7 announcement leaked, and it has been confirmed now for PS4 and Xbox One! Powered by the Unreal Engine 4, this game is probably going to rock the balls off of any fighting game not titled Mortal Kombat. Of course, they might mess up and give us the DoA / Killer Instinct bollocks and make us pay separately for all of the characters. I wouldn't be okay with that. While microtransactions are great for business, I think it's wrong for devs to give me an unfinished game. When I buy a fighting game, I want 15+ characters for the $40-$60 I pay for it. If they release more characters via DLC later, then I might or might not buy them (I bought all of them for Mortal Kombat 9 because they were all worth it). Let's hope that this game releases before The Last Guardian...

Payday 2 Director Left Overkill
Apparently the director for Payday 2, David Goldfarb, has left Overkill to work on smaller titles. That's cool, I guess. Maybe he'll work with Cliffy B.

Assassin's Creed Comet
Ubisoft says they haven't forgotten PS3 players, so what is it they're not telling us? Halley's Comet Creed? I don't know what's going to happen, but I'm gonna guess that it's going to be a game only about the meta story in AC. We need one of those entries. :D

Maybe it'll be a Final Fantasy crossover.

Early Access Shit
Sony is considering an early access program for PlayStation, kind of like what pc developers have been doing for a while. Like Dan said, it's kind of bittersweet. Maybe I won't want to play the full game when it comes out if I've been playing the broken version for so long, but maybe I will. I've seen lots of these kinds of crowdfunding type campaigns that offer things like this, but I've been completely hesitant to throw money at them. I like to play betas for games that are coming out, but I don't want the full product until it's ready. That's why I didn't buy Basement Crawl.

Send some Hate Mail!!!
If anyone reads these recaps (I'm not sure that anyone does), then you should immediately email Dan and Chandler to tell them why this podcast sucks. Say something like, "I hate you guys for saying mean things to your listeners! I hope you shit yourselves in your sleep!"


The Wolf Among Us Spoilercast
I skipped it because you guys told me to! :D
Great recap as always and I am glad you skipped the recap. But, now that you are on your off week, go play The Wolf Among Us.

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