A New Playstation Podcast (Episode 107)

I will give it a listen here in a bit and let you know what i think... be warned though, i am not a huge fan of podcasts.

This is the next episode in the podcast my friend and I started. We changed the name to The PSBS (PlayStation Bull Session).
I'll support you. I'll give a listen. I love podcasts. I only hope that you do the same when I begin my podcast. Haha.
Hey, love the podcast! Not sure if you saw the thread Community Podcast but some other #PlayStationFaithful are trying to get a community podcast off the ground. They need a little guidance on the technical aspects though. What tools/programs do you use to record your audio and bring it together?
Hey, love the podcast! Not sure if you saw the thread Community Podcast but some other #PlayStationFaithful are trying to get a community podcast off the ground. They need a little guidance on the technical aspects though. What tools/programs do you use to record your audio and bring it together?

Thanks! We just set up a private party chat on PS4. Then we talk to each other through our headsets. As we are talking, we record each of our halves of the podcast in Audacity. When we are done, he emails me his audio, and I put it together with mine in Audacity. After its finished processing, I put the sound file with an image in Movie Maker and upload to YouTube.
Thanks! We just set up a private party chat on PS4. Then we talk to each other through our headsets. As we are talking, we record each of our halves of the podcast in Audacity. When we are done, he emails me his audio, and I put it together with mine in Audacity. After its finished processing, I put the sound file with an image in Movie Maker and upload to YouTube.

Wow thanks! That's really helpful!
Building on your Predator v Jason movie idea, what if they made a movie where Predators came to Earth to hunt our horror villains!? Jason, Freddy, Michael Myers, Pennywise! It would be so ridiculous!
Building on your Predator v Jason movie idea, what if they made a movie where Predators came to Earth to hunt our horror villains!? Jason, Freddy, Michael Myers, Pennywise! It would be so ridiculous!
Yea, I totally see that happening in at least a comic book series. Predator has literally fought EVER ONE in the comics. There is actually a new comic series that just started called Predator Vs. Archie.

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