2016 Game Completion Thread

Been a while since I've visited here! Gonna toss my two cents, even if it's not much. So far, I've beaten Borderlands the PreSequel, Project Diva X , rebeat Mirai, Picross 3D Round 2, Rhythm Heaven Megamix, Pac Man Championship Edition 2, Tales of the Borderlands Ep1., Rabi Ribi, Mugen Souls 1, Blanc vs Zombies, and Sonic Lost World. So far it's all been good except for Diva X and Pac Man. Currently working on Doom ps4, FF 15, and the other Tales of the Borderlands episodes. Hoping to get Doom at least done before 2016 ends.

Not a bad lineup there! Between Doom, FFXV and Tales from the Borderlands you'll be busy for the rest of the year.
Not a bad lineup there! Between Doom, FFXV and Tales from the Borderlands you'll be busy for the rest of the year.
Oh, I know! It took me a few hours on TotB alone and i have the other 4 to do, and Doom's Arcade Update mode is addicting to no end for me. Doomguy is one mean green demon killing machine!
Oh, I know! It took me a few hours on TotB alone and i have the other 4 to do, and Doom's Arcade Update mode is addicting to no end for me. Doomguy is one mean green demon killing machine!
Haha I picked up Doom on Black Friday and plan to check it out soon. My FPS game is a little rusty. Not sure I can keep up with the game's high paced action.
Time to add 1 more game right before 2016 ends! Managed to finally beat thumper, and MY GOD WAS IT HARD! A satisfying kind of hard though, I recommend if you like games such as bit.trip runner
Time to add 1 more game right before 2016 ends! Managed to finally beat thumper, and MY GOD WAS IT HARD! A satisfying kind of hard though, I recommend if you like games such as bit.trip runner

My final game completion count was 44! Couldn't quite finish DOOM in time but hopefully I will today. Game is daaamn good!

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