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  1. R

    Disney Infinity 2.0 Power Disc UPC Tracker

    I thought it'd be interesting to see if the Disney Infinity 2.0 Power Disc "blind packs" are truly blind or if the contents can be identified by the UPC codes like how the Toys R Us exclusives can be spotted that way. Hopefully this'll be a nice way to find the rare discs and to avoid too many...
  2. R

    Please remove my ban

    It's my user name here @ hotmail. Don't want to post it directly because of spam bots So how long is temporary? It's been almost 3 weeks now. It just seems a little heavy handed because she didn't like what I had to say. I didn't even break any rules - didn't attack anybody, wasn't using foul...
  3. R

    Please remove my ban

    It's been around 19 days so far. That seems excessive for a first time ban especially over just a difference in philosophy when it comes down to it. Sure, I probably came off like an ass to some people, but in reality it's just being blunt and outspoken Edit: come to think of it I haven't seen...
  4. R

    Please remove my ban

    Can somebody please remove my ban from posting on PS Lifestyle? It's been a couple weeks and I still can't post. I think a permaban is a little much because I disagreed with staff and was vocal about it. It's a discussion board after all. Fine, ban me for a little while if you think I'm being...
  5. R

    Cel Damage HD Giveaway - Super Easy Contest Edition

    Awesome give away. Fingers crossed
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