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  1. decimalator

    PlayStation Gold Wireless Headset Unboxing

    Maybe I'm doing it wrong. But I can only get one side to fold at a time. I have another pair of Sony headphones that both sides can fold and it got much more compact. But then again, they were kind crappy headphones. :)
  2. decimalator

    Twitter Handle
  3. decimalator

    Drive Club release date?

    Please, please let it be April. I've been waiting since release day. I'm happy they took the time to polish it though, I would rather have a great game in April than a crap game in November.
  4. decimalator

    Final Fantasy XIV Beta

    nice! I'm anxious to use my actual XIV character on PS4. The beta is nice, but I want to be making some actual progress. I spent all of my time crafting so far, I've been playing since the first PS3 beta and I still haven't finished the story yet! Then again, I'm up to level 50 on all of my...
  5. decimalator

    PlayStation Gold Wireless Headset Unboxing

    +1 for the Gold. I'd been using a Logitech wired headset on PC and plugged into the audio port of the DS4. The Gold sounds better, and it works wireless on PC, PS4, PS3 AND my Mac. And you can also use it wired via the audio jack and a 3.5mm audio cable without having to turn the headset on and...
  6. decimalator

    PS4 Controller Compatibility

    I've been using the DS4 controller with FFXIV: ARR on PC for awhile now. It definitely doesn't work out of the box, but if you use the XInput wrapper it functions just like an Xbox 360 controller. Of course, the PS4 version is coming in a month or so, and it looks just as good on PS4 as it does...
  7. decimalator

    PS4 Share Button Thread

    Is there a way to get your video captures and screenshots without posting them to facebook or twitter? I hate to spam people all the time with my nonsense... and yet, this.
  8. decimalator

    South Park hype!

    I'm waiting for the inevitable sale. If it hadn't launched months after the PS4 launch I might be more likely to buy it...
  9. decimalator


    There goes the neighborhood
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