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  1. Jacky

    Otakon 2014 and 2015

    Ok so i meant to put the 2014 pics i took last year up so i'll just add them along with this years. For those of you who don't know what otakon is, it's a convention for gaming, anime, japanese and korean music, and japanese culture. these are pics of fans who are dedicated to what they like...
  2. Jacky


    title says it all. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!! Have a happy 2015 everybody!
  3. Jacky

    Gaming Generation Gap

    is it just me or have today's gamers become more concerned about graphics in a game then the games themselves, as well as what consoles have better graphics instead of what console has the games you like? I've been a gamer since i was a kid, and i can't help but notice the difference in opinion...
  4. Jacky

    XBLAZE Code: Embryo Trophy Glitch

    Fair warning about this game and it's trophies.
  5. Jacky

    CAPCOM Up For Sale

    It's finally happened, CAPCOM is putting their company up for sale to the highest bidder! Thoughts? Comments? Who do you think should buy them? Who do you hope buys them?
  6. Jacky

    What wasn't shown at E3

    So not all hope is lost when it comes to missing games.
  7. Jacky


    I could use a little help on a slight problem.
  8. Jacky

    Funny Stories

    everybody has a funny story about something that has happened to them or involves them that they don't mind sharing for a laugh, so what's yours?
  9. Jacky

    Games That Should've Been DLC

    ok what games do you think should've been just an add on to it's predecessor, instead of being a stand alone game sold at stores or on the psn.
  10. Jacky


    Seeing as how we have gotten some wii exclusive ports for our ps3's, do you think it's possible we may see a port of this as well for the ps4 or ps3?
  11. Jacky

    E3 Excitement

    E3 is almost here.
  12. Jacky

    Game Company: who's your favorite and who isn't?

    so what company do you like the most? and what company do you not like? and why? (yes you can list more then one)
  13. Jacky

    Beyond Two Souls

    So, beyond two souls is now available for digital download.
  14. Jacky

    What Would It Take

    say you don't have a ps4, or aren't interested in having one or at least not having one at the moment. what would it take to convince you to actually go out and buy one?
  15. Jacky

    Your Favorite Trophies

    What trophies did you have had the most fun getting?
  16. Jacky

    Bioshock Infinite Burial at Sea DLC

    soo.. what did those who played it think?
  17. Jacky

    Wouldn't it be neat

    here's an idea
  18. Jacky

    Has A Video Game Ever Made You Sick?

    Ever play a video whose graphics have actually made you to sick to play it? or possibly something else?
  19. Jacky

    Microphones and Headsets

    SO who has a mic/or headset, and who doesn't. also why do you/or don't you, have one?
  20. Jacky


    ok so recently I heard about a console called the Zeebo, anyone else hear of it?
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