Search results

  1. Untraditional

    Gaming Journalism

    So hey guys, i've been gone all summer since i'm been busy with work and other stuff, but I'm here to make a return because of the whole Zoe Quinn scandal. If you haven't heard I suggest you look it up and read up on it, since its some pretty serious stuff. Anyway, reason I bring this up now is...
  2. Untraditional

    Ragnarok Valkyrie

    So I'm a big fan of Ragnarok Online , and it turns out they have a mobile version! So i decided I'm gonna play that and if you guys try it out you should post here and let me know! Its actually pretty cool, but its not as large and fleshed out as the actual Ragnarok Online. Also, i know i should...
  3. Untraditional

    Game Reviews too light?

    Hey guys after the recent reviews on the website and everyone feeling like they have to weigh in, I want to know what you guys think since this is a smaller group and easier to discuss. Anyway my start to the discussion is do you guys feel that other websites take reviews too lightly? It seems...
  4. Untraditional

    Clash of clans?

    So clash of clans is a pretty popular game on the mobile devices right now, i find it quite boring, but perhaps if you guys play, we can get a clan started or some type of thing? Let me know
  5. Untraditional

    Like Yall ain't know me.

    Hey guys, Thanks for letting me into the secret club. Looks amazing by the way, haven't quite seen a layout for a forum this nice in quite awhile.
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