Search results

  1. Untraditional

    First Person Games: Where are your feet?!

    This right here. I feel like if you're going to be platforming in an FPS, visible feet is the way to go.
  2. Untraditional


    (ep. 75 of morning wood...) I remember when ep 1 first came out... has that much time really passed?... Anyway Welcome to the board, I'm sure you'll enjoy our company as we enjoy yours!
  3. Untraditional

    Gaming Journalism

    I also find it a bit ridiculous, I'm more surprised people seem to be censoring everywhere this tends to appear, Any thoughts on if this will be a big blow to gaming journalism, or actually improve it after this is all over? I'm sure many jobs and credibility will be lost on some of the bigger...
  4. Untraditional

    Gaming Journalism

    So hey guys, i've been gone all summer since i'm been busy with work and other stuff, but I'm here to make a return because of the whole Zoe Quinn scandal. If you haven't heard I suggest you look it up and read up on it, since its some pretty serious stuff. Anyway, reason I bring this up now is...
  5. Untraditional

    Why dont make a chatroom

    But we all know everyone trolls each other anyway. The chat might just make it worse. Idk if enough people are on often enough to warrant one. I mean, i just got back from a 2 month absense.
  6. Untraditional

    Cel Damage HD Giveaway - Super Easy Contest Edition

    Well Dan you DID give me a free copy of Fuel Overdose, so i mean as far as car battling games go... you kinda owe me... ;)
  7. Untraditional

    What would YOU like to see on the Vita?

    With all the HD releases going on recently I'm upset were not seeing more of them on vita, I'd love to play some of my favorite classics on the go. Recent ones i can think of are tales of symphonia Chronicles or kingdom hearts 1.5
  8. Untraditional

    What Are You Up To?

    So brother just got a ps4.... which means, GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! I now have a PS4!
  9. Untraditional

    What Are You Up To?

    sitting around at home finally on summer break, but i don't have a job and trying to find a summer one is hard :(
  10. Untraditional

    What Is Your Steam ID?

    That's unfortunately very accurate and i agree lol, but its so hard to quit cause i can just play like a a round a two a day and its like an hour, it added up very quickly
  11. Untraditional

    What Are You Up To?

    That's good to hear, unfortunately my liberal arts school (I know, what was i thinking?) Doesn't have anything other than general comp sci, but I am working my ass off and learning it, but glad to hear you enjoy I.T. I'm trying to get an internship over the summer for it, just to get some...
  12. Untraditional

    What Are You Up To?

    I actually figured that out now, only I'm entering my senior year and its too late to change and find another passion now! Though this is programming at the academic level, i'm gonna try to make a video game like i always wanted and see if individual projects are more fun and enjoyable. If not...
  13. Untraditional

    What Are You Up To?

    Have one day of classes left tomorrow, just 1 class and my professor for that class literally assigned the hardest homework i have ever had. Its the only thing left in my way and yet its gonna take me hours to finish. If I didn't actually find computer engineering interesting, I'd be more upset.
  14. Untraditional

    What Are You Up To?

    I just asked my professor/advisor for an extension on his 100 level final paper because i didn't know we had to do one and he's asking for waaaaay to much for a 100 level course. Also he was kind of being a dick to me and about it being that he's my advisor and he knows how much work i have for...
  15. Untraditional

    The Official 'Get Heath Hindman on the PSLS Forums' Petition Thread

    Boooo! you're not living up to the hype! Come on, do something Heath related!
  16. Untraditional

    What Are You Up To?

    Gotten about 4 hours of sleep for the past three nights (as in i went to bed at 4/5 wake up at 8/9) and i'm about to head to a computer science conference. It's spring weekend at my school so now i get to handle partying, alcohol and a ton of school work all at once on barely any sleep! Woooh i...
  17. Untraditional

    Where do you live?

    Boston, Mass Pahkin Cahs with Sev himself!... I think.
  18. Untraditional

    Great games with easy platinums?

    I don't know how good you are at video games (i'm assuming very) but i found God of War 1 and 2 HD very easy to platinum. Also Guacamelee isn't too difficult and its super fun.
  19. Untraditional


    So do you like playstation?.... WE NEED ANSWERS DAMMIT!
  20. Untraditional

    Health/Nutrition/Exercise Discussion

    In my experience the biggest guys are usually the nicest, you have your occasional jerks but those are easy to spot (aren't you talking to the girls a little too much to be focused on your work out?) never be afraid to ask for help or a spotter!
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