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  1. NJShadow

    PS4 Share Button Thread

    You can go into the PSN settings, and change your Facebook share setting to just be viewable to you, I believe. I know for sure that you can switch it between "Friends Only" and "Public".
  2. NJShadow

    PS4 Share Button Thread

    Yeah, I'm absolutely loving it. The visuals are crisp, and the gameplay has that "Hot Pursuit" feel, but more refined. Plus, the visuals are just downright gorgeous. When you see a lightning storm start... wow... just wow.
  3. NJShadow

    PS4 Share Button Thread

    A little mash-up I made of some cool Need for Speed: Rivals moments via "PS4 Share".
  4. NJShadow

    New User Introduction

    Hola my fellow PSLS brethren! Lovin' the look of these new forums!
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