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  1. tdodge93

    PSLS E3 2014 Coverage- Questions, Comments, Suggestions

    1. Will Far Cry 4 have a Collector's Ed, and more info in general. 2. Why Sniper Elite III is not on the PS3? 3. Will the Evil Within have a Collector's Ed? 4. Will there be a new God of War game coming?
  2. tdodge93

    Favorite NFL Team

    Being from Ark. with no team, we kind of adopted the Cowboys as our team I guess you could say. Not everybody though. Lol
  3. tdodge93

    Your Go To Gaming Snack And Drink

    Beer, soda, or water & Southwest Rolls or some finger food; then I wash my hands and back to the game.
  4. tdodge93

    Just joined

    Just plat. God of War: Ascension night b4 last 4 my 9th, now trying to decide what to play 4 my 10th, Maybe Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time.
  5. tdodge93

    Just joined

    What's up PSLS?
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