Search results

  1. MakaiOokami

    3DS Snes GBA emulation

    So a lot of people are upset because they think SNES and GBA games should be able to run on the 3DS without issue. They think that somehow, Nintendo has conspired to upsell people to a New 3DS, just before the NX comes out... by releasing old games on the New 3DS. Rather than assume that the...
  2. MakaiOokami

    Smite Beta

    Anyone playing? First tip I have, find the character you want to play for a while, find a build, go into gods, create an item and character build... keep auto-buy on and it will go through and set your build up automatically
  3. MakaiOokami

    Syria Refugee minirant

    I don't want this to devolve into name calling, flaring emotions etc... I basically just want to say that the vetting process is 18+ months for refugees, tons of oversights, and the opposition keeps talking about shit happening in Europe. Why does this infuriate me? We are not in walking...
  4. MakaiOokami

    Minor Backlog Rant

    My wife is like "Well when you get a new job you can afford all the games you want." I want to just shake her and say "I don't want new games, that's a disease, don't feed my disease, I want to be able to sit down and enjoy the stacks of games I should be playing, not buying new ones and...
  5. MakaiOokami

    Lizard Squad is coming?

    I hear Lizard Squad is doing it again this year. Saying that they are DDOSing because of a lack of cyber security. Can someone tell them please that a DDOS is possible BECAUSE OF SECURITY not a lack thereof? Basically a DDOS is when a server is hit with more requests than it can handle. So...
  6. MakaiOokami

    Uncharted 4 Beta

    Loving this beta. Getting addicted. Only like the Support Loadout though. Everything else is too... situational. Only getting 1 challenge a day sucks though. Too quick to burn though.
  7. MakaiOokami

    Hearthstone, Dungeon Defenders II, Heroes of the Storm

    Anyone play any of these and want to team up?
  8. MakaiOokami

    Why I might never play WoW again.

    Yes there is a TLDR version at the bottom. (Too Long Didn't Read, I.E. simple summary) I liked WoW. I liked a lot about WoW. For the longest time I played FFXI and FFXIV mostly because of the 1 character to rule them all. It was just too much of a hassle to try and craft on a character, and...
  9. MakaiOokami

    Cheap HDDs for upgrading PS3/4 backup plus 2 tb This is the one I have. No problems on PS4. Hopefully get this baby in my PS3. Best thing is, you can reuse the casing and...
  10. MakaiOokami

    Just Dance Series

    So for all the shit I've given the series... I finally bought one. Did a price match to Amazon via Target to knock the price down to $30 and then I used Cartwheel to bump 40% off and so I got the game for $18 dollars. For all the crap I've given the game series I'm having fun with it. All...
  11. MakaiOokami

    Annoyance of the day

    This is where you post your annoyance of the day. Keep it brief, and try not to be too controversial. No political or religious stuff that's not directly gaming related which is why it's in this category. Someone calls you a homofag and it gets to you, that's ok. Unless you hate gays... then...
  12. MakaiOokami

    PS Plus Hate

    If there's one thing I can't stand it's seeing the list of new games on PS Plus and seeing people go "OMG more indies?" and "WTF give us AAA titles!" I sent a friendly message to someone that posted Indie hate. I've actually done it twice. Once was someone with the username involving Strider of...
  13. MakaiOokami

    Minecraft PS4

    It's out today a $5.00 upgrade from the ps3 version. From what I saw you just need save data and to have played it online for the 5.00 upgrade. gonna do lots o streaming
  14. MakaiOokami

    PS3 Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls Ultimate Evil Edition

    Who else is going to be playing this crazy ass game? I might be getting this on PS3 at some point too.
  15. MakaiOokami

    Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls Ultimate Evil Edition

    Ok so who is buying this bad boy? I pre-ordered it.
  16. MakaiOokami

    PS3 Diablo 3 free help

    If you are ever interested hit me up. I'm not amazingly geared but I'm gonna do some speed runs through acts so if you want a power level or some gear you can get free help.
  17. MakaiOokami

    Final Fantasy XIV PVP

    Have any of you tried it? It's pretty fun. If you do below lvl 50 matches you don't have to have amazing gear. It helps but isn't required. If you do lvl 50 matches... you better have good gear. I have the lvl 55 crafted PVP gear and OMG am I useless most of the time. Basic strategies. 1...
  18. MakaiOokami

    Minecraft Discussion Thread

    Considering how complex and versatile the minecraft series is, I figured there has to be some people interested in talking about it, adding each other to friends lists, help getting platinums, so on and so fourth.
  19. MakaiOokami

    Minecraft TU 14

    So Title Update 14 is coming out within the next month as is a retail copy release. Change log for Patch 1.04 (TU14) Changes & Additions - Added new items · Emerald · Emerald Ore · Block of Emerald · Ender Chest · Tripwire Hook · Enchanted Golden Apple · Anvil · Flower Pot · Cobblestone Walls...
  20. MakaiOokami

    What games do you have/not have for 2014

    So they made a whole list of games available on PS4. These are the games out right now and their Publishers. Click the following link if you want the games coming out at a later date. Awesomenauts Assemble! Basement Crawl Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition Don’t Starve: Console Edition Dynasty...
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