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  1. mikedo2007

    Just joined the forum, hello everyone!!!

    As I said, I have a lot of games I loved. I'm just listing the one I hold dear to me.
  2. mikedo2007

    Just joined the forum, hello everyone!!!

    For me, I can't really decide because I have a lot of favorites. But I'll list it: Grand Theft Auto Mass Effect Bioshock Uncharted
  3. mikedo2007

    Just joined the forum, hello everyone!!!

    Yep I'm a big K-pop fan just to let you know.
  4. mikedo2007

    Just joined the forum, hello everyone!!!

    Hi, my name is Mikedo2007 and I just joined the forum!!! Hello everyone!!!
  5. mikedo2007

    I just joined the PS Lifestyle forum!!!

    I just joined the PS Lifestyle forum!!!
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