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  1. SightfulRage

    E3 Discussion

    I went into the conference with no expectations (Been too busy lately to keep up with whats going on in the gaming world) and I was not disappointed. Was it disappointing that damn near every game was a 2015 release? Yeah. Was it disappointing that most games had a teaser trailer instead of...
  2. SightfulRage

    Madden NFL 15 Cover Athlete Announced

    Yeah. It's the Wolf Grey alternate away. Having no hawks logo visible is a little weird. Hopefully it's just a concept.
  3. SightfulRage

    Madden NFL 15 Cover Athlete Announced

    Not really sure how to feel about this. Hopefully this is another year the Madden curse trend is bucked but I can totally see Sherman having a less productive year. Who knows, though. With the questions on the interior D-line, teams might just run the ball against them.
  4. SightfulRage

    First Madden Screenshot Has Been Revealed

    This is looking damn good so far despite the Screenshot showing off Colin.
  5. SightfulRage

    Game of Thrones (TV Show) Season 4 Discussion

    Don't worry, man. I know the end result of giving out spoilers in this thread. I'd rather not be Jorah'd out of the forums. This said it all. When I rewatch this episode, I'm going to skip this last scene. I could rewatch any episode in the series all the way through but watching Oberyn die in...
  6. SightfulRage

    Thoughts On The Game?

    Has the location been discussed yet? I haven't found anything yet on how closely this resembles Chicago. Anyone hear/read anything?
  7. SightfulRage

    Mortal Kombat X Trailer

    I haven't had interest in a fighting game since Marvel V. Capcom 2 but there's something in this trailer. Might be that Scorpion got the upper hand in it but it does look enticing. I'll keep it on my radar but I'm not big on the genre so I need to see something that blows me away for me to pull...
  8. SightfulRage

    Game of Thrones (TV Show) Season 4 Discussion

    After Ygritte hacked up half the city, it seemed kind of out of character to feel pity on Gilly + child. Sure she spared Jon but she shot him up pretty good as a parting gift. Still, I'm not complaining. It's good to see a "good" characte escape death for the time being this episode. In a way...
  9. SightfulRage

    Game of Thrones (TV Show) Season 4 Discussion

    Nice post! I would have never known otherwise. I will reserve my comments for this weeks episode until everyone has see it. There was a ton in this ep... A lot of "holy shit" moments.
  10. SightfulRage

    What games do you want to see on PSLS Live?

    For down weeks, I think a BL2 community play week would be awesome. Start fresh with new characters and just go on adventures through Pandora. It is an old game but it's still one of the best offerings on any system Coop wise. You could gather input from viewers as to running missions with...
  11. SightfulRage

    Bad Gamers Ep. 70: Cat Party

    Darksiders series I had a ton of fun with the first one. Between the amount of weaponry and the ability to upgrade this and that (I'm a sucker for those Action/RPG hybrids), I felt it was a great start. Based on that, I thought Darksiders 2 was going to take it up a couple notches. I was so...
  12. SightfulRage

    Let's get rage talk. what is your favorite swear

    I don't generally let out too many swears. I let my actions speak louder than my words. :p I generally have a scowl on my face when I'm in a normal mindset. When I get mad, it goes from scowl to one of those looks that, when you see the person, you know their on a mission to beat the shit out...
  13. SightfulRage

    What Would MAKE You Purchase An Xbox One?

    If an FF8 remake was an Xbox exclusive title, not only would I not buy an Xbox one but I'd Hulk smash some stuff on my way out of this console generation. I'd still be a crazy jealous of the exclusivity but I would be beyond pissed. It would take a ton of self-reflection to heal the wounds left...
  14. SightfulRage

    Sunset Overdrive

    "It's the game that insomniac has been building up to for 20 years" When I heard that line I had to go and do some research as to what game consoles Insomniac had been putting their titles on just to confirm my suspicions. There's no other way to take that line. After seeing the gameplay...
  15. SightfulRage

    Song Covers

    I think I first discovered this song through Machine Head but I like The Police version a tad bit more. It's one of my Favorite songs to play on Rocksmith I'll just post this other one here. I don't like this cover nor do I hate it. Just think it needs to be known throughout the world.
  16. SightfulRage

    What Would MAKE You Purchase An Xbox One?

    I will preface this is saying the conferences last year killed my desire to ever own an Xbox one. Prior to them, I was 100% on board with buying a one over a PS4 being that everyone I knew was over on that side. Once Microsoft started to hype up their "Entertainment System," I began to waver...
  17. SightfulRage

    Destiny Beta thread

    Thank you, sir.
  18. SightfulRage

    Game of Thrones (TV Show) Season 4 Discussion

    How long were you waiting to post that :p In terms of entertainment value, I really like this ep. Everything seemed to flow very smoothly for a good portion of the characters I actually care about. Dany is an ehh storyline for me so I'm glad she was put in neutral for a bit. I should like her...
  19. SightfulRage

    (Book Series) Game of Thrones

    You killed that sucker. What is your average pace for reading pace wise?
  20. SightfulRage

    Destiny Beta thread

    I'm in.
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