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  1. ftwrthtx

    GDC'14: PlayStation's Project Morpheus Presentation Pics

    I'm on the fence right now. I'll have to get some hands (err.. heads?) on before I can make a judgement call. Hopefully I'll get to try it out over the next 3 days.
  2. ftwrthtx

    New Game Idea: Splinter Cell merged with Intelligence (a TV Show on CBS)

    Chcuk didn't have a chip, though. I thought his was just somehow shocked into him.
  3. ftwrthtx

    New Game Idea: Splinter Cell merged with Intelligence (a TV Show on CBS)

    Splinter Cell is always about information and using it to your advantage. The TV show Intelligence has a guy with a chip implanted in his brain that gives him network functionality, super computing power coupled with his own brain, as well as access to every database known to man that is...
  4. ftwrthtx

    New old member.

    KC in da house!
  5. ftwrthtx

    Favorite NFL Team

    There are only two types of people in this world. Those from Texas, and those that wish they were. :-) You are already a Texan so America's Team was never marketed towards you. LOL
  6. ftwrthtx

    Favorite NFL Team

    Oh yeah, forgot to mention the Cowboys are from Texas and everyone wants to be a cowboy from Texas.
  7. ftwrthtx

    Robocop [2014] Remake @IMAX

    I'm a big fan of the original as well and I enjoyed this one just as much. It fely more up to date and the quality of the special effects were much better. The story line was different, but the underlying humanity still makes its way through the robotic elements of Robocop, even when it was...
  8. ftwrthtx

    Favorite NFL Team

    It was thanks to a great marketing scheme back in the 70's. Coupled with a few of the greatest NFL teams to date, led by Roger Staubach, their popularity went nationwide. They were the first NFL team to really embrace national marketing.
  9. ftwrthtx

    Robocop [2014] Remake @IMAX

    What was rated R back then is pretty much rated PG now. The remake is just as violent, but the story follows a different arc. It's almost a brand new movie, hence the reboot comment from before.
  10. ftwrthtx

    Robocop [2014] Remake @IMAX

    Got free pre-release passes to see it at the IMAX and I was really impressed. Forget what you know about the original, this was more of a reboot than a remake.
  11. ftwrthtx

    Favorite NFL Team

    I can never see Houston as anything other than the Oilers. I'm more for America's team though. Cowboys all the way.
  12. ftwrthtx

    Shiny new forum

    Love the layout.
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