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  1. Chandler Wood

    The Elder Scrolls Online - Official PSLS Guild [Join Inside]

    I don't think you have to be part of the same faction either, so you are welcome to join even if you are in another faction, though we may think you're a dirty rotten communist bastard for being on an opposing force. Totally kidding! All are welcome!
  2. Chandler Wood

    PSLS Platinum Leaderboard

    I've even slowed down recently. Reviews and such will do that to the completionist. I've been trophy hunting since day one. My first trophy was from Linger in Shadows, that bizarre tech demo type game waaaaayyy back on PS3. My first Platinum was in Fallout 3. After that, I was hooked. Latest one...
  3. Chandler Wood

    PSLS Platinum Leaderboard

    128 as of last week.
  4. Chandler Wood

    The Extra Life Thread!

    Wooooooo! Finished the full 24 hours!
  5. Chandler Wood

    Bad Gamers Ep. 89: Breaking Down the Review Process

    Balamb becomes a flying Garden BEFORE you pick up Ragnarok??? Dammit, spoiler tags or something! Kidding, I've totally completed FFVIII.
  6. Chandler Wood

    Backwards Compatibility in Video Game Systems

    The problem that we have now is online infrastructure too. With backwards compatibility, could you play PS3 games online? Would it access that particular side of the network? Would Plus be required? Games are extremely complicated machines, and every little component would need to work with the...
  7. Chandler Wood

    Platinum THIS!

    Just platted inFAMOUS Second Son (finally got around to it), Should have the plat for First Light today if I put in the effort.
  8. Chandler Wood

    Question about gettin games from ps3 to a ps4

    Yup, that pretty much sums it up. PS4 is mostly its own ecosystem. A couple of games have cross-buy (ie. Flower, The Swapper, Rogue Legacy, etc.), but as far as some of the games you mention, you'll need to keep your PS3 around if you want to continue to play games like SSX. Sorry for the bad...
  9. Chandler Wood

    PSLS' Morning Wood Ep. 081: Horror Scares and Final Fantasy XV

    We still have the PS3 as well as a Vita, so we get lots of gaming, just not a ton of gaming together. Really wish I could play Destiny with her.
  10. Chandler Wood

    PS4 Controller Hardware Problems

    I'm thinking about (read: planning on) grabbing a white controller shortly. I've heard those ones feel a lot more sturdy too.
  11. Chandler Wood

    PSLS' Morning Wood Ep. 081: Horror Scares and Final Fantasy XV

    THat's what I was afraid of. Really sucks that two people who want to game together in teh same house not only have to double up on console and game, but also on Plus subscriptions, which would honestly offer no additional benefit other than online play....
  12. Chandler Wood

    PS4 Controller Hardware Problems

    Wow! Mine are super slippery right now (trying to play Destiny can get a little tough when it's hot and my hands sweat), but I am not through to the plastic yet.
  13. Chandler Wood

    PS4 Controller Hardware Problems

    What level of wearing off do you consider to be bad enough to send in? Both of mine are launch controllers (one from the console, one extra). I have stick caps for the bad one so I'm not really worried about those, but my other ones are just really smooth and slippery now. Makes fast stuff like...
  14. Chandler Wood

    Bad Gamers Ep. 87: Balanced Games and Destiny Tips and Tricks

    Wooo! Recap! You haven't lost your touch.
  15. Chandler Wood

    What Are You Up To?

    I am currently trying to write my Destiny review. Tough to do, it has ups and downs and I am a little bit all over the place with it. Trying to draw it in, refine it, and come to a solid consensus.
  16. Chandler Wood

    Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 2 coming to US & EU

    I'm eager to hear what you think.
  17. Chandler Wood

    What Are You Up To?

    Do something important: Play Destiny. oh and set the PSLS group as your clan for PlayStation. Go here and click set as clan: For anyone unaware, a group is not a clan, you have to click to set the group as your clan, so any members of the PSLS...
  18. Chandler Wood

    Destiny Trophy List

    Just tried for it on a strike last night and this INCLUDES being downed apparently. So you can't fully die or be downed at all. Also, everyone, go here and click "Set as PlayStation Clan". The group is different from the clan.
  19. Chandler Wood

    What is and what is not a gamer for you?

    That's what I'm saying. The ESA includes cell phone 'gamers' in their reports about gaming demographics, yet most of those cell and facebook players don't consider themselves gamers, so the industry shouldn't necessarily either.
  20. Chandler Wood

    Destiny Trophy List

    Who's thinking this will be a tough Plat? Complete raids without any party members dying?? Damn...
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