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  1. Lionheartwolf

    Should i get a white ps4?

    I was just messing, but seriously. I have to imagine there is an unspoken factor here that is preventing him from getting one. (My guess was a significant other that might not want to spend money on a second PS4) It is his decision, and if that was the only factor we wouldn't be having this...
  2. Lionheartwolf

    Ghostbusters 3???

    Man Ghostbusters practically invented the open world game concept, and last time I remember playing I remember thinking it was a terrible game. Thankfully I really liked the last one on the PS3 that was meant to serve as the movie that was probably not going to be made. I will vote yes, but it...
  3. Lionheartwolf

    Anyone Else Not Interested In Destiny?

    Well we are kinda getting off track, no game requires online, you can technically play all of the main story and a good portion of the side quests, but there is content that you can use in SP that is locked behind online components, and if you are a completionist you are going to notice it...
  4. Lionheartwolf

    White PS4 Destiny Bundle - $449.99

    I might eventually get another PS4. I like to have a standby because I like to take my hardware apart. If I do I probably will get a white one this time. I don't typically get the white hardware from Sony because it rarely stays pretty, but in this case I want a white and a black PS4. My two...
  5. Lionheartwolf

    Anyone Else Not Interested In Destiny?

    Well Ubisoft and EA seem to be copying answers off of each other lately so if I had to guess best case scenario is yes but you'll notice the content you are missing one way or another. Lately they really seem to want to showboat their companion apps and a lot of the blame can be found there. As...
  6. Lionheartwolf

    Anyone Else Not Interested In Destiny?

    Heck the first 2 games I got for the PS4. NFS rivals stops you from accessing all content without an online connection. AC: Black Flag also had content locked behind online content. You pretty much have to ignore the color purple if you want to play Watchdogs offline. There are quite a few SP...
  7. Lionheartwolf

    Should i get a white ps4?

    There are definitely cheaper options to getting your daughter a "Toy Story Movie Viewer." It's okay, you don't have to convince us, we are not married, but if you need an excuse to buy another PS4 you probably don't need you are not going to convince anybody with that one.
  8. Lionheartwolf

    Anyone Else Not Interested In Destiny?

    Im always a bit reserved when I play a game that puts me in the sandbox with all the other children. I don't play nice and I'm told I hog all the good toys. I can't help it. I like being the protagonist in video games, so it's easier if I just pretend everybody else is an NPC that is there to...
  9. Lionheartwolf

    GDC'14: PlayStation's Project Morpheus Presentation Pics

    Im not crying foul at all. In fact I'm saying almost what you are saying. There isn't anything to really get excited for, or look forward to until after the first year of it's release. If it's still got a good line up going for it there might be a chance to see it stick around but right now if I...
  10. Lionheartwolf

    GDC'14: PlayStation's Project Morpheus Presentation Pics

    I think when it comes to Sony hardware early impressions are not nearly as important as the second year impressions. Sure it looks great now, but how great will it be when only a select few developers really know how to properly utilize it, and do. All Sony hardware looks amazing out of the...
  11. Lionheartwolf

    LittleBigPlanet 3 Coming To The PlayStation 4

    I'll be honest. I'm pretty loyal to MM. I gave them a good bit of attention over the years, but I honestly think that this is the best move for LBP. It needs a fresh pair of eyes. The trailer already shows a much different perspective on the franchise that I am actually excited about. They...
  12. Lionheartwolf

    There Came an Echo

    Yelling at the TV? Is this a game for Gary Busey? Anyway, I'm not a fan of voice commands it's only when I start talking to my hardware do I realize that I need to stop playing video games for a little bit.
  13. Lionheartwolf

    The Last Of Us Officially Coming To PS4

    You might have inadvertently acknowledged one of the larger issues with the next gen (at least in it's first year.) It would be sad if the GOTY for the new generation is the same GOTY game last year on the last generation. Who needs backwards compatibility when we are just going to port anyway.
  14. Lionheartwolf

    Thoughts on PS4 Name Requests Feature?

    I could go either way. My list is a small and intimate one, so I either know you outside of games, or I only know you from games. I will say that regardless to name requests every single person on my friends list is important to me for one reason or another. Either way I prefer to...
  15. Lionheartwolf

    Ps4 Co-op Thread

    I'm probably on just about every coop game that is in existence on a Sony platform. I wouldn't mind playing with some of you if you really need an extra hand. I'm not really difficult to track down I just don't have public invites turned on, but if you send me a PM here I can track you down. I...
  16. Lionheartwolf

    Your Ideas for LEGO Games

    I wouldn't be entirely against more Lego games, but Lego games are seriously redefining the term "shovelware" They just have not been able to improve upon the basic template for their games, and ignore some of the most requested features like online co-op. I makes me believe that they don't...
  17. Lionheartwolf

    DUALSHOCK 4 battery life

    I still cannot for the life of me figure out how so many people are having issues with battery life on the DS4. I can honestly get 6-8 hours on my single control every single day I use it (and I use it every single day.) That's around 56 hours a week of what is possibly an unhealthy addiction to...
  18. Lionheartwolf

    Anyone else getting tired of retro indies?

    You know that is an interesting theory that I never gave much thought. If indie games didn't constantly come along it might be possible to suggest that I would be looking to get more out of my big developer games, and wouldn't be as quick as I was to dismiss them after I got my coveted 100%. It...
  19. Lionheartwolf

    Anyone else getting tired of retro indies?

    I will say I think the market is becoming saturated with them, but I wouldn't go as far as saying stop. The reality of the situation is it's not like they would go out and make the next Uncharted game, but instead chose to make an 8-bit retro game. So really your options are they make those...
  20. Lionheartwolf

    When did you become a matured gamer

    I either was always a mature gamer or never a mature gamer. The verdict is still out on that one, but seriously games for me have never changed. I was always involved with them on the same maturity level. I can say though about 10 years ago I acknowledged that I am a curmudgeon gamer, and a...
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