Search results

  1. Swordsman

    Platinum THIS!

    67th Plat
  2. Swordsman

    Platinum THIS!

    I have plat that too.. pretty easy plat.
  3. Swordsman

    Platinum THIS!

  4. Swordsman

    Platinum THIS!

  5. Swordsman

    Platinum THIS!

  6. Swordsman

    PSLS Platinum Leaderboard

    61 plat for now.
  7. Swordsman

    Platinum THIS!

  8. Swordsman

    Platinum THIS!

  9. Swordsman

    PSLS Platinum Leaderboard

    difficulty 4/10 getting rank A is the most tricky i guess. there are tons of youtube videos to guide you.
  10. Swordsman

    Platinum THIS!

    It has been quite a while. 1st plat for 2017.
  11. Swordsman

    Platinum THIS!

    hope can hit 70 before 2016 end.
  12. Swordsman

    Platinum THIS!

    Plat 58
  13. Swordsman

    PSLS Platinum Leaderboard

    valkyrie chronicles
  14. Swordsman

    PSLS Platinum Leaderboard

  15. Swordsman

    Platinum THIS!

    Plat #56
  16. Swordsman

    PSLS Platinum Leaderboard

    Plat Number 55
  17. Swordsman

    PSLS Platinum Leaderboard

    i took my own sweet time. over 100 hours. if you rush maybe 80 hours or lesser.
  18. Swordsman

    PSLS Platinum Leaderboard

    #54 Ni No Kuni - 1st JRPG plat.
  19. Swordsman

    Platinum THIS!

    100% ?
  20. Swordsman

    Platinum THIS!

    #53 - Arslan
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