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  1. KaiKnows

    Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

    I've never really considered that point of view. I too will look at games as such now. Thanks Big Pete
  2. KaiKnows

    Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

    Never played Uncharted when I had my PS3 but I'll be more than happy to on my PS4!
  3. KaiKnows

    LittleBigPlanet 3 Coming To The PlayStation 4

    The exclusives are starting to come, thats good.
  4. KaiKnows

    Bloodborne Is Project Beast

    Looks cool but will wait to see a little more before i become a believer.
  5. KaiKnows

    HD Remakes on PS4 - Good or Bad?

    One really long word....BAD!
  6. KaiKnows

    If this is real, I'm going to rescind my Nintendo hiatus.

    I hope we find out its a fake. Sony's line up looks a bit underwhelming. The only thing that sounds good is GOW4. Hopefully your game is real for your sakes though.
  7. KaiKnows

    What JRPG are you playing?

    I wish you were wrong about that last thing you said. But I'm sad to have to agree. Here's to hope *arms crossed*, cause crossing fingers isn't enough;)
  8. KaiKnows

    What JRPG are you playing?

    I only own a ps4 so I'm just waiting for one. I hope the JRPG genre makes a big comeback this gen.
  9. KaiKnows

    Your most anticipated PS4 game

    Haven't played a KH's game since the ps2. So I'm looking forward to this game as well. No more delays!
  10. KaiKnows

    Favorite NFL Team

    The NFC East could go either way this year. Though the Eagles may be slightly favored.
  11. KaiKnows

    Wii U

    Sure you wouldn't just want to "SMAAASSSHHH" it? Lol
  12. KaiKnows

    Wii U

    My post is sincere I assure you. It's just the way I speak
  13. KaiKnows

    Read a lot of stuff but haven't posted much

    Big JRPG fan and currently have a PS4. PSLS fan since last Feb or so.
  14. KaiKnows

    The Happy Birthday Thread

  15. KaiKnows

    Natural Doctrine

    JRPG drought and we need some rain lest our crops die. I would get it for my PS4.
  16. KaiKnows

    The Last Of Us Officially Coming To PS4

    With a price tag of $40, sure. If not then I'll wait.
  17. KaiKnows

    College Football

    Boise State. No, I'm not from Idaho but I love to watch David take on Goliath. Note: I became a fan in '07 when I watched that Fiesta Bowl. Prior to that my team was BYU but hadn't watched since '95.
  18. KaiKnows

    Favorite NFL Team

    The Cowboys, grew up watching Emmitt Smith and the rest of the legendary players. Haven't been up to par in recent years but my loyalty has never wavered.
  19. KaiKnows

    Wii U

    I think Reggie Fils Aime should step down and let you take over. You talk like a true marketing guru. If you have the kind of presence that people can relate, then maybe Nintendo can get back on the right track.
  20. KaiKnows

    Infamous Second Son - everything you know

    There are no "system sellers" yet. But I bought my PS4 for the promise of GREATNESS! Should really kick off next year.
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