Search results

  1. W

    What a Deal

    I've seen people posting about different games, hdd, and headphones they've gotten for great prices, but most of the time this is weeks after the deals are over. Well I want in on some of those deals. Post any deals you come across, so we can all share in the great deals out there. It can be...
  2. W

    How Did You Fill the Downtime

    We've all read the stories how March is loaded with releases, starting tomorrow with South Park The stick of Truth, and continuing with games like Titanfall, Dark Souls 2 and Infamous Second son. Before we get to that I want to know what everyone has been up to to fill the void between the...
  3. W

    Alphabet insanity

    This is fantastic, and insane.
  4. W

    What's Your Backlog

    Inspired by @BigPete7978 complaining about his backlog, I thought I'd create this thread. So post away. Also, it may be fun if a bunch of us have some of the same games we can make a, separate thread for that game where we play through it and discuss.
  5. W

    Suggest A TV Show

    Use this thread to discuss any current tv shows you are watching, as well as any you would suggest others to watch.
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