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  1. Sabube

    PSLS is Talking to Bungie About Destiny! Give Us Your Questions

    I was curious if they would have a way to trade items such as guns and armor. Is there going to be any carry over from the beta? I was able to get some nice drops from the iron banner.
  2. Sabube

    The Official Destiny PSLS Clan Is Live!!!

    Yea I hear you... Unless you are a pro football player that's why you have no time... But I bought a ticket for a pre-season game!
  3. Sabube

    The Official Destiny PSLS Clan Is Live!!!

    Now to wait until September...
  4. Sabube

    The Official Destiny PSLS Clan Is Live!!!

    Cool. I'll be joining. My psn is Antonius_Rex. Guys feel free to add me and just add in the note you're from PSLS.
  5. Sabube

    Destiny Beta thread

    So excited for the Beta tomorrow! Any update on the PSLS clan/guild/group?
  6. Sabube

    Bloodborne Is Project Beast

    The game looks great! Ready for a Demon/Dark Souls on the PS4. Getting ready to accept dying... A lot...
  7. Sabube

    Destiny Beta Code Giveaway!

  8. Sabube

    Destiny Beta Code Giveaway!

  9. Sabube

    Destiny Beta Code Giveaway!

    Hahaha I wouldn't dream about leaving here
  10. Sabube

    Destiny Beta Code Giveaway!

    Thanks for the code playstation lifestyle!!! You are AWESOME!
  11. Sabube

    Destiny Beta Code Giveaway!

    When the alpha ended a piece of me died inside. Then they opened it back up for hardcore and I was soooo happy until I was playing and it ended again during my game... Please playstation lifestyle you're my only hope.
  12. Sabube

    Destiny Beta Code Giveaway!

    I've been following you guys on twitter all morning trying to get a beta code!
  13. Sabube

    Destiny Beta Code Giveaway!

    Destiny alpha was amazing yet too short. Would love to get into the beta!
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