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  1. topes

    Free PS4 Fluster Cluck code, first come first served.

    I don't want it, hope someone else will enjoy it. Just add me on PSN: topes521. Looking to beef up my friends list as I start doing some broadcasting/let's play/other misc. video on Twitch/YouTube. Thanks in advance. Hello Greg, You have been selected as a winner of our Fluster Cluck...
  2. topes

    Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel issues

    So I'm sitting here, playing this, and now I'm sad. I knew that I'd play it, my first PS3 only game since PS4. I was sort of looking forward to it. But now that it's here, I'm playing & I'm sad. I knew that I've been spoiled with my PS4 for a year, that my own expectations of it might be too...
  3. topes


    Hi, I'm Greg, & I'm an alcoholic...oh wait, wrong forum. So forums are back, eh? Sounds good to me!
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