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  1. B

    Interview with the creator of the Game Boy

    HAH. I am starting to lose my mind. First post edited with the link
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    Interview with the creator of the Game Boy

    I read a pretty fascinating interview with Gunpei Yokoi, who was the man behind the game and watch handhelds as well as the old brick game boy. I loved his take of photorealism and what even constitutes a "game" to him.
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    Kingdom Hearts Question

    Ideally you want to play them as they came out, a la MGS or star wars. That's as long as you can remember when certain games and events happen that fit in with the overall story. Granted, I also haven't played birth by sleep from the collection yet and re:coded ever, abd never finished dream...
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    The Elder Scrolls Online - Official PSLS Guild [Join Inside]

    Sure, I play on and off, mostly off atm with heavensward out. Psn is of course cloudstrife768. I'm also on both your chandlers friends lists
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    PSLS Platinum Leaderboard

    Like I said, I'll only feel cool until Chandler looks in this thread. I had my few weeks to shine, though.
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    Community podcast?

    So it's not our favorite 5 games as much as our opinions on what the 5 most important games are?
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    Community podcast?

    Considering 50% (give or take, I was ever so slightly off on when fallout 4 would be revealed and we don't have a release date yet) of my predictions have already come true, with another very heavily rumored, crash bandicoot vita is suddenly looking more plausible.
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    Platinum THIS!

    I'm impressed. Still slowly working on my own plat. I need to at least finish binding coil before the xpac launches.
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    Recruiting gamers for some specific games

    I'm always game for destiny. Still haven't done any raid, so any trophy related to those are still needed!
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    Lost Orbit PS4 Code Giveaway

    I hope most people's answer would be Ryme
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    Community podcast?

    I will in fact be there tomorrow and have some predictions ready to go. And yes, lets save the MGS: GZ topic for another episode, I have way too much to say about some of the entitled little whiners from the comments about that subject.
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    PSLS Platinum Leaderboard

    I've been slacking a lot lately, and I will only feel cool until Chandler swoops in, but atm I'm sitting on my 29 platinums.
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    Community podcast?

    Sorry, it's been a hectic couple weeks but again, barring unforeseen personal issues I will be here this week. I'm also up for either Tuesday or Thursday, the day doesn't really matter much to me.
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    Creative PlayStation IP Reboot Ideas

    There has been an enormous drought of quality JRPGs that seemed to just stop after PS2 died out. I know Sony owns Legend of Dragoon, I'm pretty sure Sony also owns Wild ARMs, one of those needs to come back. Preferably the latter.
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    Official Bloodborne Help Thread

    Also if you are having trouble, use the tombstones to cheap your way out of his attacks. I think the threaded cane weapon might even be able to reach him when he can't reach you
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    Community podcast?

    I finally don't have anything to build so I will be there at 6:30. And that sounds like a great topic.
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    Community podcast?

    The more people who want to join in the better. Thanks to a very pregnant wife and a lot of baby things to assemble, I've been pretty busy for the last couple week and unable to partake. I know come August I will disappear for a few months :) Which makes a bunch of people able to rotate in and...
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    Email: Vita Legal Offer? SCEA money or merchandise offer for Vita owners prior to...

    I absolutely agree. But I just spent way too much money on baby related items in the last week and want Bastion, so I won't ignore this freebie :)
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    Community podcast?

    Fantastic. What time? Earlier is better for me personally, I don't know about the rest of you all.
  20. B

    Community podcast?

    I will hopefully get to indulge this week. Are we doing Thursday or Tuesday this week?
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