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  1. Lifewish

    Welcome Stephen Bitto - New Community Manager

    Hello Everyone, I would like to introduce everyone to Stephen Bitto, our new Community Manager at PSLS. Stephen will be handling the twitter and Facebook channels, along with helping to grow this forum community and you will also notice him in the comments on the website. Well Stephen, say hello.
  2. Lifewish

    fellblood_one's Vita to 3DS Transfer Thread

    This is fellblood's place to transfer his pretty images from Vita to 3DS.. ENJOY!
  3. Lifewish

    Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2 SISTERS GENERATION

    Well even though i really despise this series for being generally lackluster, I am actually having some fun with this game so far. Yes, the story is boring, the characters are rather meh, and there is far too much fluff that drags on way way way way way too long.. however, the combat lends...
  4. Lifewish

    Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate

    Has anyone else picked this up? I have been really surprised with just how much I am enjoying the game, even with how simplistic the battle system is. I guess it just goes to show that a simple battle system can be overcome with really unique characters and weapons.
  5. Lifewish

    J-Rock Bands

    So I am really into J-Rock right now and I figured this might be a good thread to share great J-Rock bands you enjoy listening to.. Hopefully I am not the only one who enjoys them.. so please share.. Right now I am really loving BIGMAMA and COUNTRY YARD
  6. Lifewish

    Pictures of my New Office

    It's not fully done yet, but here are some pictures of what I have in my new office so far. Before everyone flips out, my Suikoden action figures will be set up soon.
  7. Lifewish

    Forum Changes - 9/3/14

    As many of you might have noticed, the forums have undergone a bit of a facelift and a change behind the scenes. First off, Joseph Peterson aka BigPete7978 has had to step down from his position of high chancellor and wielder of the ban hammer. I will be taking that position going forward, so...
  8. Lifewish

    Tales of Xillia 2

    So I was really impressed with how Bandai Namco handled doing a sequel. We have seen how badly big teams like Square Enix have handled such a task, so it was nice to see Tales of Xillia 2 take what the original had and improve on it. Here is my review...
  9. Lifewish

    Picked up a Gear 2 Neo

    So I picked one up to pair with my Samsung Note 2 and I am just curious if anyone else has one and what they think of it so far? My initial impressions are it is lighter than I expected, has a lot more functionality than I expected, and it is just plain cool answer a call on your phone and...
  10. Lifewish

    The Wolf Among Us - Episode 5 Giveaway!

    Because we are awesome, we have snagged a couple of codes for Episode 5 of the Wolf Among Us to giveaway. The codes are US only and are for just Episode 5 on PS3. If you are interested, simply respond with an answer to this question! Q: If you had a choice between being a Werewolf or Justin...
  11. Lifewish

    Interview Questions Needed - Natural Doctrine & Danganronpa 2

    So I need questions for both of these games. The people answering the questions will be on the localization team, so keep it somewhat related to that. Need to send these in at the latest next Monday. Thanks people!
  12. Lifewish

    Interview Questions Needed - Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1

    Hey Guys/Girls, I am going to be sending in some questions for the President of Idea Factory International about Neptunia Re;Birth1 and I was just curious if anyone had any questions about the game they wanted answered. I will be sending these in next week sometime so just let me know.
  13. Lifewish

    Interview Questions Needed - Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed

    Hey guys/girls, I am going to be sending in questions to a localization specialist on Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed and I wanted to know if any of you had any questions you wanted answered about the localization of the game, voice work, and stuff like that. I am sending them in sometime next...
  14. Lifewish

    Tales of Hearts R - US Release Date

    Not sure if this was already known but Tales of Hearts R will be releasing for the Vita on November 11th of this year.
  15. Lifewish

    Early Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment Thoughts

    So I am about 10 hours into the game, started at floor 76 and I have reached floor 80 of 100. Thought I would give some early thoughts on the game ahead of my review. The good thing about the game is that even if you have never seen the anime, the game does a good job of providing back story...
  16. Lifewish

    The Vita Gaming Days are OVER!

    If you had any questions about whether Sony would step up their support of the PS Vita, I think these articles below answer all of your questions. Sony no longer views the Vita as a gaming console but as an accessory for the PS4...
  17. Lifewish

    Gambit is Channing Tatum....??? WTF!

    So during the boredom of the last X-Men movie, I decided to start surfing my phone and happened to come across the news that Channing Tatum is playing Gambit.. I have no words to explain my utter disappointment aside from this gif. Come on now.. you take the best character in the X-Men...
  18. Lifewish

    My Reasons for FFX-2 Dislike

    So someone asked me the other day why I disliked FFX-2 so much and I figured a new topic would be a great place to discuss this. ***POSSIBLE SPOILERS*** 1. All girl cast. Yes, I know this is a new day and age and I shouldn't hate on a cast for all being girls, but too bad, I am. When I play an...
  19. Lifewish

    Drakengard 3 ... a mini rant

    So I am working on my review for Drakengard 3 and there is one thing I just don't understand. How is it that this late in the life of the PS3 and 3 games into this series, have they not figured out how to properly set up the camera? I mean seriously, I think almost all of my deaths in the game...
  20. Lifewish

    Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Movie Casting

    Welcome to a new feature we are right now calling, "Hey! Cast This!" The idea behind this is fairly simple, we will be taking popular videos games and providing our live action cast if it became a movie. Please check out our Uncharted: Drake's Fortune cast below and let us know what changes, if...
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