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  1. aaron1606

    Ridiculous Trophies

    I did it too... eventually. I didn't even think it was difficult until the last couple of Extreme levels, but so, so dull and time consuming. Made me question if I actually wanted the Platinum even though I only had 2 trophies left to get.
  2. aaron1606

    Ridiculous Trophies

    Watch Dogs drinking game trophy. Oh my god.
  3. aaron1606

    Ground Zeroes 'Unlocked' Trophy

    Great advice - found who I was missing by looking out from the main guard tower - thanks! :D
  4. aaron1606

    [Discussion] Metal Gear Solid V - Ground Zeroes

    I love GZ, I've put about 14 hours into it so far, and done everything except some of the Hard trials. The game looks stunning (I'm on PS4), and the gameplay has taken MGS to a new level - it's so... fluid now. The marking system is a great addition. As much as radars have been a staple of...
  5. aaron1606

    Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes Clear Time

    It's not really the spirit of the game though. It's not designed for you to bomb through, skip the cutscenes (far far shorter and less intrusive than older MGS' btw), exploiting knowledge of where guards will be at exact times and so on. There are also five side missions, which are a good...
  6. aaron1606

    Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes Clear Time

    My first playthrough was 2 hours - took my time, saw the sights etc. I've now done it in 15mins on Hard with 0 kills/alerts/retries and with reflex off.
  7. aaron1606

    Vita Games in 2014: The Ultimate List

    PS Vita & Football Manager Classic Vita 2014 bundle releasing in the UK in a couple of weeks... The game itself is out April 11th in Europe, with US to follow soon after.
  8. aaron1606

    Ground Zeroes 'Unlocked' Trophy

    Has anyone here earned this trophy yet? I'm really struggling with the Fastest Mark All Enemies trials. I can never find the last few, even to the point where I'm sprinting around the base firing an unsuppressed weapon to draw attention, but no one comes running (I knock out/tranq all marked...
  9. aaron1606

    What would YOU like to see on the Vita?

    Haha... Definitely meant a new MGS like Portable Ops and Peace Walker...
  10. aaron1606

    What would YOU like to see on the Vita?

    GTA, MGS, a couple of good sports titles and a good RPG will help Vita so much
  11. aaron1606

    What Type Of Phone Do You Have?

    Be very careful with it. I used to have an S3,and my screen had a minor cracking after dropped and I chose not to repair it. About six months later my screen stopped working completely (and suddenly). I took it to Samsung as was still under warranty and they point blank refused to fix it...
  12. aaron1606

    PlayStation Plus Wishlist?

    Would be nice to get free DLC. But you're already paying nothing for the game (especially on PS4 as you need to subscribe to play online!), so can't complain too much :)
  13. aaron1606

    What Type Of Phone Do You Have?

    Galaxy S4. Absolutely love it. Get on so much better with Android than iOS - used to have to work with all kinds of phones and always preferred the Androids.
  14. aaron1606

    PlayStation Plus Wishlist?

    Are you guys all in NA? EU has had Catherine, Metal Gear Rising and FarCry 3 (I think)
  15. aaron1606

    Jack Tretton Leaving PlayStation

    Yeah, definitely. I suppose last year's E3 isn't a bad way for him to go out though... That's what he'll be remembered for now
  16. aaron1606

    What are your Rarest Trophies? Post 'em Up!

    Clearly people who like football games don't care for the trophies.. My rarest trophy is terms of lowest number of achievers, is the Peggle trophy "Tenured" - I'm one of just 350...
  17. aaron1606

    Ridiculous Trophies

    Have you done the plats for 2, 3 and 4? 3 is really easy to do - can be done in one playthrough on Very Easy if you planned it out. But 2 & 4 are ridiculous. MGS2 - Collecting all the dog tags and beating all the VR missions for MGS2 was a killer that I nearly gave up on. MGS4 - Collecting all...
  18. aaron1606

    Any BLUR fans in da house?

    Blur was great fun to play multiplayer. One of the few games I was sorry to trade in when I got rid of my PS3 games (disc drive broke a few months ago... figured I'd just wait for PS4 instead of replacing)
  19. aaron1606

    Top 5 PS3 Games Ever

    1. The Last of Us 2. Uncharted 2 3. GTA V 4. MGS4 5. I'm torn between AC2 and Heavy Rain
  20. aaron1606

    I've Never Played A Metal Gear Solid Game

    I'd advise at least trying to play MGS3 and Peace Walker. Obviously there isn't long before GZ is out, but plenty of time until TPP... ;)
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