Un-Pair a Dualshock 4 from your PS4?


PSLS Level: Bronze
Does anyone know how to do this or know if it is even possible? I've seen plenty of things on the web but none of them actually work. What I want to do is make my PS4 completely forget that it knows one of my dual shock 4 controllers so that I can use it with my PC. As of now, every time I turn on the DS4 I want to use with my PC, it, of course, also turns on my PS4 and controls it. When I turn my PS4 off, It also turns off the DS4 because it is still paired. The claims on the internet are that if you reset the controller (stick a paperclip or something small in the little hole on the back of the controller next to the left trigger) it will un-pair the controller and you will have to pair the controller again with the USB cable. THIS IS FALSE. I have tried it many times and it just does not work. My only other option I guess is to just spend another $60 on a new DS4 and remember not to pair it with my PS4.
Never mind, I figured it out for myself. If anyone wants to know, You have to make sure the DS4 you want to un-pair is turned off, then grab another controller and go to settings->devices->bluetooth devices and select the controller you want to un-pair. You will get an option to "delete" that controller from your PS4!
Delete? Wow, I didn't know that. Thanks! I'm thinking about trying to pair one with my computer.

The DS4windows driver is awesome. They continue to update it and add features at least once a week. Sometimes more. You can even adjust the sensitivity of the analogue sticks, which is a godsend for games like Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen. The 360 analogue sticks were WAY too sensitive. I even use it wireless with a USB Bluetooth dongle. I really hope the Dualshock 4 will replace the Xbox 360 controller as the primary PC gaming pad. Especially when you can use the DS4 touch pad as a mouse like the touch-pad on a laptop! It just makes more sense.

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The DS4windows driver is awesome. They continue to update it and add features at least once a week. Sometimes more. You can even adjust the sensitivity of the analogue sticks, which is a godsend for games like Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen. The 360 analogue sticks were WAY too sensitive. I even use it wireless with a USB Bluetooth dongle. I really hope the Dualshock 4 will replace the Xbox 360 controller as the primary PC gaming pad. Especially when you can use the DS4 touch pad as a mouse like the touch-pad on a laptop! It just makes more sense.

Thanks for that! I've been using my Wii-U Pro controller, but I might switch to a DS4. I very much prefer its feel. :D
Thanks for that! I've been using my Wii-U Pro controller, but I might switch to a DS4. I very much prefer its feel. :D
There was something I posted in the forums and on a lot of PS Lifestyle articles. It has to do with tricking the PC into thinking a PS4 controller is an Xbox controller, and it worked great, didn't need to unpair the controller or anything.

If I cared about PC gaming anymore it'd be a bigger issue than it is. Only problem was it didn't work very well for Final Fantasy XI because Xbox controllers didn't work very well for Final Fantasy Xi. XD
Never mind, I figured it out for myself. If anyone wants to know, You have to make sure the DS4 you want to un-pair is turned off, then grab another controller and go to settings->devices->bluetooth devices and select the controller you want to un-pair. You will get an option to "delete" that controller from your PS4!

I deleted mine by accident the other day do you know if I can get my controller to pair with my playstation again
I deleted mine by accident the other day do you know if I can get my controller to pair with my playstation again
As far as I know you just have to plug it into the PS4 with a mini USB cable and press the PS button and it should pair.
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