Platinum THIS!


Staff member
Pretty simple here, just list out the most recent platinum trophy you got and make a post each time you grab that elusive trophy!

I will start it out.. I just now dinged 100 percent for The LEGO Movie - Videogame. Yes I know that the LEGO games aren't very hard to platinum, but I am thankful for that, otherwise I would have nothing but Uncharted 2 on my Plat list.
Mine would be the platinum trophy for Sound Shapes on PS4, and before the platinum for Saint's Row: The Third.
One Ring to build them all.

See @BigPete7978 , Gamefly ALREADY made me do it... Though I honestly love the Lego games so I was just clearing up part of the backlog that I've missed out on. :p

Next up: The stupid TR Platinum if I can ever get ranked matches for the team based modes and force myself to set through the monotonous grinding to 60. :-/
One Ring to build them all.

See @BigPete7978 , Gamefly ALREADY made me do it... Though I honestly love the Lego games so I was just clearing up part of the backlog that I've missed out on. :p

Next up: The stupid TR Platinum if I can ever get ranked matches for the team based modes and force myself to set through the monotonous grinding to 60. :-/
The trophy whore is back!!! :D
I'll probably renew my subscription to Gamefly once I work my way through my backlog some more.
One Ring to build them all.

See @BigPete7978 , Gamefly ALREADY made me do it... Though I honestly love the Lego games so I was just clearing up part of the backlog that I've missed out on. :p

Next up: The stupid TR Platinum if I can ever get ranked matches for the team based modes and force myself to set through the monotonous grinding to 60. :-/
The grind to 60 on TR on PS3 was awful...

My most recent plat, #99, was Mass Effect 3. Finally went back and finished it off.
My latest Platinum was Darksiders 2, after sitting on the last few trophies for a long time.

Before that was Skyrim, a Platinum that took me over 2 years of sitting on 3 incomplete trophies before finally get around to finishing it.
My latest Platinum was Darksiders 2, after sitting on the last few trophies for a long time.

Before that was Skyrim, a Platinum that took me over 2 years of sitting on 3 incomplete trophies before finally get around to finishing it.
Isn't it amazing how many plats you find yourself close to for years at a time?
Just got my 50th platinum yesterday with Time and Eternity. I would've had a direct screenshot if it didn't pop at an odd moment. I think it's in my trophy card though
It's gonna take me forever to get there. I believe I am still on my 9th platinum trophy..... *sigh*
Play all the Tale Tell games, then play them all on the Vita, then play the ones that come out this year, then platinum Sound Shapes, then log into the Vita, then log into the PS4, then get the UDraw, buy all the games for that, grab you PS Move and the Move book thingy, and do those games.

Soundshapes - 3 platinums
Walking Dead/Wolf Among Us -2-6 platinums (not sure if season 2 and wolf will get full platinums)
Book of Spells - 1 platinum
Book of Potions - 1 platinum
Walking With Dinosaurs - 1 platinum
Udraw - 1 platinum
Pictionary - 1 platinum
Marvel - 1 platinum.

Do all of that and you'll go from 9 to somewhere between 20-25.

Then depending on how the Borderlands 2 Vita stuff, the Tell Tale Borderlands, and Game of Thrones, does with trophies and everything, you'll have another batch of platinums.

So 25 by the end of the year is obtainable. I' trying to get to 40 by the end of the year.

I actually wanted the Udraw stuff. It was so cheap I didn't have much of a choice I had to buy it. No matter how.... meh it is. XD

True Survivor

I ended up spending a few hours yesterday grinding most of this out, multiple podcasts and a movie. Then a couple more podcasts and some TableTop got me through the last few levels today.

Now to say goodbye to it and never see it again! (Unless the rumors about TR being a PS+ title for PS3 next month are true...)

True Survivor

I ended up spending a few hours yesterday grinding most of this out, multiple podcasts and a movie. Then a couple more podcasts and some TableTop got me through the last few levels today.

Now to say goodbye to it and never see it again! (Unless the rumors about TR being a PS+ title for PS3 next month are true...)
Congrats! Not sure I will ever force myself to get that platinum.

True Survivor

I ended up spending a few hours yesterday grinding most of this out, multiple podcasts and a movie. Then a couple more podcasts and some TableTop got me through the last few levels today.

Now to say goodbye to it and never see it again! (Unless the rumors about TR being a PS+ title for PS3 next month are true...)

A JRPG that would normally take a week to beat the main story of, I'm still like halfway through T_T

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