Platinum THIS!

This thread feels neglected. So I'm giving is some love again.

#80 - The Wolf Among Us (PS3)
Full Moon
I loved this. Hoping they make more.

#81 - Sound Shapes (Vita)
You've Gone Platinum
Auto-pop. It feels cheap, but it's a Plat.

#82 - LEGO MARVEL Super Heroes (PS4)
Have you ever tried Shawarma?
#83 - LEGO The Hobbit (PS4)
The Road Goes Ever On
I've had both of these at 99% for some time, with the only trophy needed for the Plats being the co-op trophy in each. I was waiting on the colored controllers to come out in the US, they still haven't arrived (for another month). Then I got a Vita, used it as my second controller.

#84 - Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate
The Dark Knight
I enjoyed this surprisingly more than I thought. Hadn't heard that great of word on it but decided to pick it up in the sale. It is a very basic Arkham game with similar mechanics and combat. Most of it works well, but there are times when it doesn't.

Quite the impressive list. This thread does need some more love. The thing is I didn't have any new plats until earlier this week.

My #41 is the joke of a platinum that is Trine 2. I'd been playing the Complete Edition on the PS4 and was curious if the trophies were the same, I found that they weren't and that they were ridiculously easy. So I played it on the PS3 for a few hours one day received the platinum, quit, and will try to finish out the PS4 edition that has a much better trophy list.
Quite the impressive list. This thread does need some more love. The thing is I didn't have any new plats until earlier this week.

My #41 is the joke of a platinum that is Trine 2. I'd been playing the Complete Edition on the PS4 and was curious if the trophies were the same, I found that they weren't and that they were ridiculously easy. So I played it on the PS3 for a few hours one day received the platinum, quit, and will try to finish out the PS4 edition that has a much better trophy list.
Yeah Trine 2 is a bit of a joke on PS3 for plat. PS4 is much more robust.

I also platted Wolf Among Us, as well as something else since I was last on, since I now have 108, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was.... Watch Dogs maybe?
Yeah Trine 2 is a bit of a joke on PS3 for plat. PS4 is much more robust.

I also platted Wolf Among Us, as well as something else since I was last on, since I now have 108, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was.... Watch Dogs maybe?

Yeah Trine 2's list was disappointing. I wonder what the reason for it was. The first game had a very good list then the second was just like it was an afterthought.

Looking at your profile it says that Wolf Among Us and Watch Dogs were your last two plats, so it appears you were right.
I got my first PS4 Platinum trophy with Amazing Spider-Man 2 just 8 days after it was released and haven't played it since!

I am most proud of my Dead Space trophies though. I got: One Gun – beat the game using only the plasma cutter, Epic Tier 3 Engineer – complete the game on the hardest difficulty setting and the Platinum trophy at the same time. It was harder than hell and still haunts me to this very day! :)
My first PS4 Platinum was Sound Shapes. I actually played it through again because I thought it was such a fresh take on the rythym/ music genre. Unfortunately I haven`t gotten 1 since although I did 100% Dream C Club
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#84 - Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate
The Dark Knight
I enjoyed this surprisingly more than I thought. Hadn't heard that great of word on it but decided to pick it up in the sale. It is a very basic Arkham game with similar mechanics and combat. Most of it works well, but there are times when it doesn't.
#85 - inFAMOUS First Light
Noble Achievement
Not a big fan of Battle Arenas but they didn't overdo them here (unlike a certain Batman series), so I'll let it slide. I very much enjoyed the game, just wish it was longer and had more side content. I wouldn't mind if they did more of these but focusing on the other two inmates we encountered.
#43 - Rogue Legacy

I enjoyed this game quite a bit. Some of the trophies were a little frustrating (like the die less than 15 times before beating the game), but I found the game to be very fun even if it was challenging as well.
#43 - Rogue Legacy

I enjoyed this game quite a bit. Some of the trophies were a little frustrating (like the die less than 15 times before beating the game), but I found the game to be very fun even if it was challenging as well.
Mad respect! I've been trying. Those Neo bosses are tough....
Just platted inFAMOUS Second Son (finally got around to it), Should have the plat for First Light today if I put in the effort.

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